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Student Ministry Winter Retreat - Jan. 18-20
Our students will be heading to Pigeon Forge, TN to attend the Strength to Stand Conference, January 18-20, 2025! The cost is $200 per person. Click the image above to register!
Grow Women's Conference - Feb. 22nd
Our focus is GROW - Getting Rooted On the Word - being rooted in the Word of God and surrounded by a Christian community can help you navigate the storms of life. Focusing on how to deepen and have a personal intimate relationship with our Lord and Savior through scripture, prayer, and church community.
With guest speaker, Cleere Cherry Reeves
With guest speaker, Cleere Cherry Reeves
Disciple Now Weekend 2025
DiscipleNOW is a community wide event for all High School and Middle School students. Step away from distractions of your normal routine and be challenged as you and your peers come together in worship. Dig deep as you and 8-12 of your friends soak in God’s word during the small group sessions at your “Host Home” for the weekend.
Student's Summer Camp 2025
SUMMER CAMP is for all high school and middle school students (6th-12th) to step away from distractions of your normal routine and be challenged as you your peers come together in worship, bible study and fun activities.
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